Standleague Twitter accounts

Scientology’s OSA hate group on Twitter has numerous accounts to tweet about their insane accusations from former members as well as other people they don’t like. They collect these “stories” and other harassment attempts from the following websites, owned by the Church of Scientology International (CSI).

This page will expose their account’s data and provide List’s for different uses on social media like blocking or simply monitoring and reporting what they are doing.

Alicia Selverson,@AS_STANDleague
Bill Faust,@BFTSTANDleague
C. L.,@CLStandLeague
Carol E.,@CESTANDleague
Cathy Norman,@CNSTANDLeague
Catriona McKenzie,@CMSTANDLeague
D. Pruett,@DPStandLeague
Deanne MacDonald,@DMStandLeague
Denise Stark,@DSStandLeague
Drew Brand,@DBStandLeague
Dylan Green,@DGStandLeague
Edward Parkin,@EPStandLeague
Elisabeth Donaldson,@EDStandLeague
Ellis Craig,@ECStandLeague
Eric Roux,@ERStandLeague
Eva Band,@EBStandLeague
Evan Wecksell,@EWStandLeague
Griselda Stein,@gsstandleague
Hans Eisenman,@HEStandleague
Jeff Quiros,@JQStandLeague
Jeffrey Murphy,@JMStandLeague
Jenny Good,@JGStandLeague
Jim Kalergis,@JKStandLeague
John Chambers,@JCStandLeague
John Logothetis,@JLStandLeague
Leisa Collins,@LCStandLeague
Liv Watson,@LW_STANDleague
Mike Klagenberg,@MKStandLeague
Paulette Smith,@PSStandLeague
R.J. Ellory,@REStandLeague
Rebecca Blair,@RBStandLeague
Rodger Clark,@RCStandLeague
Sandra Lucas,@SLStandLeague
Sandra Richmond,@SRStandLeague
Shannon Burwell,@SBStandLeague
Stacy Sass,@SSStandLeague
Stuart Rosenbaum,@SR_StandLeague
Sylvia Stanard,@SS_StandLeague
Tad Reeves,@TRStandLeague
Vincent Greig,@VGStandLeague
Wil Seabrook,@WSStandLeague

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